The Extent of Practicing the Skill of Motivating Teachers by the Basic School Principals in Ajloun from the Teachers’ Perspective
This research investigated the extent of practicing the skill of motivating teachers by the basic school principals in Ajloun from the teachers’ perspective. The researcher adopted a descriptive analytical approach. A survey was designed. The population of this research involves all the female and male teachers working at the basic schools located in Ajloun, Jordan. The survey forms were passed online to 115 female and male teachers who were chosen from 8 basic schools in Ajloun. Those teachers were chosen purposively. 103 forms were retrieved. They were deemed valid for analysis. The response rate is 89.56%. SPSS software was used. The researcher found that the extent of practicing the skill of motivating teachers by the basic school principals in Ajloun from the teachers’ perspective is high. She found that the degree to which the targeted principals provide teachers with feedback and opportunities to express their views is high. The degree to which the targeted principals engage teachers in the decision making process and delegate powers to teachers is high. The degree to which the targeted principals assist teachers in solving problems is high. The degree to which the targeted principals send thank you letters for distinguished teachers and thank teachers in front of their colleagues is high. However, the degree to which the targeted principals provide distinguished teachers with awards is low. The degree to which the targeted principals arrange journeys for teachers is low. The degree to which the targeted principals arrange parties for honouring distinguished teachers is low.
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