Dimensions of Family Interaction in light of the Corona Pandemic (Covid-19) in Jeddah
(A field study)
The research aimed mainly to identify the dimensions of family interaction in light of the Corona pandemic 2019 AD in Jeddah, in its social, health, economic and personal dimensions that resulted from imposing social distancing and health measures issued by the health authorities in the Ministry of Health, the research used the descriptive methodology, and it represents the research community in families. The questionnaire was used to collect data from a random sample, the questionnaire amounted to one hundred fifty families divided into two equal parts, with seventy-five families in which the husband works in the public sector, and seventy-five families the husband works in it in the private sector, and used the Statistical Package in Social Sciences (SPSS) program in statistical treatments, the research results, the most important of which are that the Corona pandemic has positive effects on the social, health, economic and personal dimensions of family interaction, and there is a great capacity for families to deal with health emergencies, epidemics and pandemics, as well as an immediate and effective response from the Ministry of Health and other relevant bodies the relationship in dealing with the Corona pandemic, prevention and treatment, the research recommended many recommendations, including the preparation of family awareness programs to provide families with interactive experiences to deal with emergency health conditions, and also training parents to practice positive family interaction skills.
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