The Contents of Animation Programs in Children's Channels Directed in Arabic
An analytical study of Disney Channel programs in Arabic For the period from 1/7/2018 - 1/8/2018
The media in general and the visual media of the child today have become an integral part of raising a child, forming his values, shaping his directions, ideas and opinions. The media of the child represents an introduction to education and upbringing, as well as being a means of education and even that can be the way to entertainment and entertainment about it, and the media material has become For children, it is one of the most dangerous media industries due to the implications and behaviors it carries because it targets a wide segment that continuously widens its circle, which is the children’s segment. For with new styles and more sophisticated to coax the child and control over his mind and his manners and pushed him into addiction so magical fund as he calls parents and grandparents. Through the use of the content analysis method, the research reached the most important results: an increase in the percentage of animation programs for children that dealt with mathematical issues by (22.3%), with a decrease in the percentage of historical and geographical subjects, and the emergence of man as a cartoon character compared to the rest of the other characters, whether it appeared In the form of a child, a man, a woman, or a girl, because the human personality brings the child closer to reality, and thus makes him accept information as realistic and sympathizes with it, as well as reincarnation of her roles and trying to imitate it, and this is difficult to exist with other personalities even though she is considered a child, and the names are given a Foreign rate (54.4%), which reflected that the animation programs are produced abroad and addressed to the Arab child in general, as the use of foreign names of characters creates fame for them, as well as the negative effects that are represented in transferring foreign cultures without treating them in a manner compatible with The Iraqi child, as well as the difficulty of remembering the names, which are more strange to the child and less deliberated.
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14- http: // on 10/23/2018