Reference As Explained by Ibn Aqil on Alfiyeh Ibn Malik, its Forms and Types

  • Dr. Abohaneefa Omeralshareef Ali Omer Department of Arabic Language - College of Sciences and Arts in Dhahran Al-Janoub - King Khalid University - Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Department of Arabic Language - College of Languages - Sudan University of Science and Technology - Sudan
  • Dr. Mohamed Fawzy Fotouh Soliman Department of Arabic Language - College of Sciences and Arts in Dhahran Al-Janoub - King Khalid University - Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
  • Dr. Roqaya Ibrahim El-Haj Badry Department of Arabic Language - College of Sciences and Arts in Dhahran Al-Janoub - King Khalid University - Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Keywords: Reference, Grammatical Composing, Explained by Ibn Aqil Cohesion, Grammatical rule, Coherence


This research tackles  the referral as explained by Ibn Aqeel, and how he dealt with it in his explanation of Al Alfiya Ibn Malik, and arranging them according to the chapters contained therein. This research is significant as t it sheds light on an important issue in syntactic composition, which is the referral of some preceding  texts to other late texts, and the referral of late texts to preceding  ones, which is called "anaphoric  and cataphoric reference. The research aims to analyze the images of this reference as explained by Ibn Aqil and to know its types, forms, and its effect on the  cohesion of the texts. The researcher used the descriptive analytical method   limited to the images of the grammatical reference as contained in the commentary of Ibn Aqil on Alfiyya Ibn Malik from the first chapters to the chapter of the definite & indefinite lexicon.


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How to Cite
Dr. Abohaneefa Omeralshareef Ali Omer, Dr. Mohamed Fawzy Fotouh Soliman, & Dr. Roqaya Ibrahim El-Haj Badry. (2021). Reference As Explained by Ibn Aqil on Alfiyeh Ibn Malik, its Forms and Types. Journal of Arts, Literature, Humanities and Social Sciences, (67), 53-66.