Intertextual Qur’anic Vocabulary in Ibn Forkoun Al-Andalus’s Divan
This research deals with an aspect of the Qur’anic intertextuality in Ibn Furkun al - Andalus’s Divan, which is : (Vocabulary), so it tries to define what are the Qur’anic vocabulary that Ibn Furkun benefited from , And reveals his skill in transferring this vocabulary to his poems and his verses, and employing them in a way that suits his meanings, or in a way that strengthens his thoughts.
And this modest scientific effort includes an introduction, an proem, four sections, a conclusion, and a list of sources, references and periodicals that are used. The introduction briefly refers to the great presence of the Qur’anic vocabulary in Ibn Furkun’s poetry, and includes the importance of the research, its problems and questions, its objectives, previous studies, its methodology, and its scheme.
The proem discusses the meaning of intertextuality, and the beginning of the emergence of this term in critical studies, and its most prominent form , and is defined as Ibn Farkoun.
As for the sections , the first provides examples of the Qur’anic vocabulary that contributed to enriching the elements of his poetic creativity, and the second sheds light on the vocabulary of the five names of the Qur’an in the poetry of Ibn Furkun , and The third talks about the inclusion of the adjective Ibn Farkon and the described in his poetry, and the last deals
with rhymes through study and analysis.
At the end, the conclusion presents the most important findings and proposals.
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