The Absolute Effect in Surat An-Nisa

(A statistical study)

  • Ismail Abdullah Ahmed MSc. in Arabic Language - Bingol University – Turkey
Keywords: the Absolute, the placeholder for the source, the omission of its factor, the Qur’an


This article dealt with the subject of the absolute effect in Surah Al-Nisa ', and the article was divided among the two researchers. In the first section, I dealt with the concept of the absolute effect in language and convention, with an explanation of its types and the omission of its factor and a placeholder for the source from it. As for the second topic, I did a statistical study about it in Surat An-Nisa ', and I noticed that this topic was mentioned extensively in this Surah. And I do not claim that I surrounded every little and big in this article, as perfection is for God alone, except that I made an effort I was injured by God, and if I made a mistake, it is from myself, and I have the reward of the mujtahid, God willing.


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How to Cite
Ismail Abdullah Ahmed. (2021). The Absolute Effect in Surat An-Nisa: (A statistical study). Journal of Arts, Literature, Humanities and Social Sciences, (67), 19-32.