Commentators from the Hanbalis
(Marae Al-Karmi as a model)
Praise be to God, that is enough, and blessings and peace be upon the Chosen Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace.
And after:
This research is entitled:" The commentators from the Hanbalis, Mari al-Karmi as an example".
In it, I showcased the scholar Mari Al-Karmi's approach to interpretation and the sciences of the Qur’an, through his printed letters.
The method used in the research: It is the inductive analytical approach, by extrapolating the citizen that was interpreted by the scholar Mari Al-Karmi in his printed letters, studying them, and showing his interpretive side.
The research was divided into an introduction, an introduction, three sections, and a conclusion.
Introduction: It includes the research problem, its questions, its importance, the reasons for choosing it, its objectives, previous studies, its methodology, and its divisions.
Preface: I was introduced to Imam Mari Al-Karmi in it.
The first topic: The Tafsir method of the scholar Mari Al-Karmi and its effect on his interpretation.
The second topic: The Sciences of the Qur’an according to the scholar Mari al-Karmi and its effect on his interpretation.
The third topic: The science of readings for the scholar Mari Al-Karmi and its effect on its interpretation.
Then she followed that with a conclusion showing the most important findings and recommendations that occurred in this study.
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