A Suggested Proposal for Scientific Research Activation at King Khalid University to Achieve the Competitive Advantage in a view of World Ranking

  • Amal Dhafer Gandaf Al-Shahrani College of Education - University of Bisha - Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Keywords: international polarization, scientific publication


The present study aimed to find proposal for scientific research activation at King Khalid University to achieve the competitive advantage in a view of world ranking according to the standards of international polarization and scientific publication.

The study depends on the descriptive method. the study’s community is composed of academic staff and deanships of King Khalid University. Survey was used as a major tool for collecting data , distributed on a random sample of 258 persons. The study found some results including decline of the teaching efficiency and scientific publication of the academic stuff at King Khalid University . As well as introducing a suggested proposal which aims to enable the university to achieve a competitive advantage to reach higher world ranking and to elevate the teaching efficiency of the academic staff . Also improvement of their skills in the field of scientific research. As well as increase the efficacy of the scientific research publication and participation in research projects. Finally, it supports the distinct efforts of King Khalid University through the innovation in the field of scientific research and upgrading their levels to higher ones at world ranking.


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How to Cite
Amal Dhafer Gandaf Al-Shahrani. (2021). A Suggested Proposal for Scientific Research Activation at King Khalid University to Achieve the Competitive Advantage in a view of World Ranking. Journal of Arts, Literature, Humanities and Social Sciences, (66), 462-467. https://doi.org/10.33193/JALHSS.66.2021.475