Creating Sports Uniforms Suitable for Primary School Students in Terms of Design and Materials

  • Dr. Hoda Al-Turki Associate Professor of Apparel and Textile - Department of Fashion and Textile - College of Design and Art - Princess Noura bint Abdul Rahman University
  • Asma Abdul Rahman Al-Ayed Department of Fashion and Textile - College of Design and Art - Princess Noura bint Abdul Rahman University
Keywords: sportswear, design and material


There is no doubt that clothing greatly affects the psyche of the child, and we should benefit from studying the different aspects of growth in terms of physical, psychological, physiological and social aspects. The school uniform accompanies students for more than 5 hours a day for several stages of study, and then it has an effective effect on their psychological and moral condition. Therefore, it has become necessary to pay attention to the school uniform for primary school students, "its designs, materials, and methods of caring for it."

The research aims to creating a suitable sports uniform for primary school students in terms of design and material, by getting to know:


1- Determining the characteristics of the growth stages of girls from 6 to 12 years old.

2- Setting scientific standards and foundations for the production of sports uniforms for female students in the elementary school.

3- Determine the characteristics and characteristics of appropriate fabrics for the implementation of the sports uniform.

4- Implementing some appropriate sports designs.



The research recommended:

1- Encouraging researchers to conduct more research in the field of sports fashion for girls to contribute to the formation of a distinct and independent identity for Muslim girls in general and Saudi women in particular.

2- The necessity for girls to wear appropriate sportswear to ensure freedom of movement and mastery of basic sports skills.

3- Raising parents ’awareness of the importance of applying sports uniforms in schools through educational programs on television and social media.

4- Educating girls about the need to wear the appropriate sports uniform in physical education classes.


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How to Cite
Dr. Hoda Al-Turki, & Asma Abdul Rahman Al-Ayed. (2021). Creating Sports Uniforms Suitable for Primary School Students in Terms of Design and Materials. Journal of Arts, Literature, Humanities and Social Sciences, (66), 299-318.