The Challenges Faced by Families of Children with Hearing and Visual Disabilities in the Light of Coronavirus Pandemic (COVID-19) in Jordan
This study investigated the challenges faced by the families of children with hearing and visual disabilities in the light of Coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19) in Jordan. It investigated that through exploring the challenges faced by the female and male siblings and parents of those children in the light of Coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19) in Jordan. The researcher adopted a qualitative approach to collect data. He chose a purposive sample. The sample consists from 15 fathers, and 15 mothers who have a child with a hearing or visual disability in Jordan. It consists from 10 brothers and 10 sisters who have a brother/sister with a hearing or visual disability in Jordan. The researcher selected the sample from two special education centres in Amman, Jordan. Interviews were conducted with the members of the sample to collect qualitative data from them. It was found that there are several challenges faced by the parents of those children in the light of Coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19) in Jordan. Such challenges include: psychological, financial, professional, health, educational and marital challenges. It was found that there are several challenges faced by the siblings of those children in the light of Coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19) in Jordan. Such challenges include: psychological, social, academic and health challenges.
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