The Impact of Obama and Trump's Policy on Addressing Arab Countries' Issues on Al-Hurra TV Talk Shows
This study aimed to find out whether the policy of US President Donald Trump and President Barack Obama has affected addressing the issues of Arab countries in the talk programs of the American Al-Hurra channel, and to find out the degree of interest of that channel in addressing the issues of Arab countries in the talk shows, and the nature of the dialogue used to address the issues at hand, And the nature of the hosted guests, the methods of handling the cases, and the technical characteristics of the program provider, the study sample.
The results were as follows:
The results showed that Al-Hurra TV was more interested in Arab countries' issues during President Barack Obama's term than Donald Trump's term.
Top political topics on Al-Hurra TV during the presidency of President Barack Obama and Donald Trump.
Trump and foreign policy towards the Arab countries was the main issue that was addressed in the four-party dialogue program during Barack Obama's presidential term, the political changes that affected US policy towards Arab countries, and the issuance of a number of unfamiliar decisions in the American political scene during Trump's presidency.
الحرة Al-Hurra TV has been interested in opinion dialogue and with more than one character more than any other type, especially positive face-to-face dialogue, especially during the presidency of Barack Obama more than during the Trump period.
In its treatment of Arab countries' issues, Al-Hurra relied on neutral researchers in addressing the issues of Arab countries raised during the presidency of Democrat Barack Obama, and relied on supportive researchers during the tenure of Republican President Donald Trump, especially Americans and Arabs residing in the United States of America.
Al-Hurra channel relied in its discussion on the method of dialogue and the presentation of opinions and ideas, with an emphasis on using silent video in the background.
Al-Hurra relied on the use of political constructions and frameworks during the period of President Obama and Trump.
Al-Hurra TV focused its attention on the audience of the country that caused the issue as a addressed audience in addressing the issues of Arab countries during the presidential term of Democrat Barack Obama, while in the presidential term of Republican Donald Trump, the results were the leaders of the political decision-makers in the countries that made the case.
The results showed that the announcer did not interfere in the dialogue on the issue at hand, and the guest was given sufficient time to present his thoughts and opinion on the issue.
The results showed that they were not affected by a very high percentage, whether during the time of President Obama or President Trump, except that it was slightly affected.
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