Limits of Social Networking Sites Credibility; Challenges and Possibilities

(Facebook as a model)

  • Lect. Dr.Ali A.AL-husien Alwan AL-Alkawi Diyala University Presidency - Iraq
Keywords: social media, challenges, facebook


It is also known that the most important function of all media outlets is news or media; it is defined as informing the individual about what is happening around it, with accuracy and objectivity, so that he can make the right decision regarding what he is exposed to, whether small or old, and credibility is one of the most important elements of the article. The news that should be circulated, which is the challenge that social media has not been able to overcome, in addition to that credibility is also the broad door that threatens the supremacy of these means, which received great demand in its beginning from different social strata, but the credibility of these means has become at stake Also, it is difficult to ascertain the sources of pain Blame and accuracy, after the methods of photography and montage facilitated the manipulation of the photo, sound and film material, the study relied on the survey method as one of the most appropriate approaches used in media studies, while the research community was represented by users of social networking sites "Facebook", and the researcher chose a sample of This community is made up of "82" by the occasional sample method, for the purpose of arriving at the facts that the research aims to know. A form was designed that includes several axes. The questionnaire tool was used to collect data and information on the subject of the research. The form was presented to a group of experts to verify the sincerity The tool and the extent of its powers to implement, and taking the research with the amendments made by the arbitrators.

The study reached a number of results, the most prominent of which were the official pages, which are the most reliable pages, as they are affiliated with governmental and reliable entities and institutions, the credibility of the account and the communication policy of the page and the separation of news and opinion according to its sequence were the most influential and effective factors for the enjoyment of Facebook pages Credibility through what is published on these pages, which was shown by the answers of the respondents, the nature of the communication policy is the most prominent and most important challenges that constitute an impediment to achieving credibility on the Facebook site according to the answers of the respondents.



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How to Cite
Lect. Dr.Ali A.AL-husien Alwan AL-Alkawi. (2020). Limits of Social Networking Sites Credibility; Challenges and Possibilities : (Facebook as a model). Journal of Arts, Literature, Humanities and Social Sciences, (51), 55-76.