Planning for the Preservation and Management of the Heritage Resource
(Bait Al Khalifa Museum as a Model)
(Bait Al Khalifa) is located in the center of Omdurman (Sudan) in a region rich with the heritage of the Mahdist State period. It was previously the residence of Caliph Abdullah bin Muhammad Al-Taaishi (died 1899 AD), the successor of Mohamed Ahmed Al Mahdi (1843-1885) the leader of the Mahdia Revolution (1881-1898). (Bait Al Khalifa) is considered a heritage resource that has been converted into a museum since 1928. This paper aims to present the most important problems and obstacles of the museum as well as the ICCROM grant of 2017 and the constraints it can address in the said museum. His paper also proposes a plan to manage this heritage resource with the aim to turn it to an economic value through the tourism industry leading to sustainable development. The paper concluded to the possibility to overcome the current obstacles and problems by developing a plan to manage this heritage resource, find solutions to financing problems, and develop strategies for new tourism projects that would bring economic, social and cultural benefits to the local community and to Sudan in general.
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