The Status of the Prophets and Messengers
One of the graces of God is the countless bones whose benefits are the honor of God to the human being that their provision is the best of his creation, but they are the prophets, men whose mission does not matter the benefit of people in every small and large man. Selection from God, not acquisition, so God gives it to whomever he wills of his servants. Therefore, not everyone who claims prophethood is a prophet, but has laws of their own, so that the prophet sent by God is informed about the one who claims prophethood falsely.
We mentioned in the introduction the importance of the prophets, the reasons for choosing the topic, the research methodology, and a reference to previous studies. Then we entered the core of the topic and it was made up of two topics.
The first topic focused us
Defining the Prophet as a language in idiom, the definition of the Messenger as a language idiomatically, the difference between them, people's need for prophets, the mission of the prophets
The necessity of believing in all the messengers, the number of the prophets, the permissible and impossible duty of the prophets, the ruling on the minor sins of the prophets before the mission, the ruling on the major and minor sins issued from them by mistake, the ruling on the issuance of sins on them before the revelation, the prophethood is selection, not the acquisition
As for the second topic, we mentioned
Defining the miracle: language, custom and conditions, one of the miracles of our master Muhammad, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, one of the characteristics of our Prophet. Infallibility is a language, infallibility is idiomatically, and the imperative of infallibility of the prophets, infallibility does not contradict human symptoms.
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