The Effect of the Information Reporter's Strategy on Reading Comprehension for the Second Intermediate Class Student

  • Dr. Sama Turki Dakhil Ibn Rushd College of Education for Humanities - Baghdad University - Iraq
  • Amin Abdel Abbas Ibn Rushd College of Education for Humanities - Baghdad University - Iraq
Keywords: information reporter strategy, reading comprehension


 This study aims to know (the effect of the information reporter's strategy on reading comprehension for the second intermediate class student). To achieve this, the researchers selected a sample of (60) students from the second intermediate class students in Imam Ali bin Abi Talib (P) High School affiliated to the Qadisiyah Education Directorate,  The researchers formulated the following zero hypothesis (there is no statistically significant difference between the average scores of students of the experimental group who are studying the subject of reading the information correspondent strategy and the average scores of students of the control group who study the same subject in the traditional way in reading comprehension), the researchers rewarded between the two groups of  To experiment with (the study sample) statistically by using the T-test for two independent samples and the Chi square (Ka2), the variations of time age calculated by months, the academic achievement of the parents, and the grades of the previous year for the Arabic language before the experiment was conducted. The researchers prepared a test to measure reading comprehension consisting of (25) a test clause and teaching plans for both groups. To analyze the results, the researcher used a T-test to statistically treat the results of the experiment. The researchers concluded at the end of the experiment that the experimental group students outperform the students of the control group in reading comprehension, and the differences were statistically significant to me  Students of the two groups, in favor of the experimental group at the level of significance (0.05) and in light of the results of the research, the researchers concluded that teaching with a correspondent of the information strategy has effectiveness in the subject of Arabic language for second graders average and recommended that this strategy should be adopted in the teaching of the Arabic language for second graders average for what  It has certain advantages and the researchers suggested later studies in the same field as an extension of this research and its completion.



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How to Cite
Dr. Sama Turki Dakhil, & Amin Abdel Abbas. (2020). The Effect of the Information Reporter’s Strategy on Reading Comprehension for the Second Intermediate Class Student. Journal of Arts, Literature, Humanities and Social Sciences, (51), 44-54.