The Effectiveness of Strategic Planning for Human Resources in Reducing the Impact of Crises in the Kuwaiti Banking Sector

(Commercial banks)

  • Dr. Hamad Amer Hamad Azeb Alajmi Kuwaiti Gulf Oil Company – Kuwait
Keywords: effectiveness of strategic planning, human resources, the impact of crises, the Kuwaiti banking sector


The main objective of the current study was to identify the effectiveness of strategic planning for human resources in reducing the impact of crises in the Kuwaiti banking sector, and based on that the researcher resorted to a descriptive and analytical approach, and one of the most important findings of the study was that there is a statistically significant effect of the dimensions of effectiveness Strategic planning for human resources (human resource planning strategy, training and development strategy, recruitment strategy, human resource preservation strategy, compensation strategy) on reducing the impact of crises by their dimensions (detection of warning signals, preparedness and prevention, activity recovery, damage containment, learning) in The Kuwaiti banking sector, represented by Kuwaiti commercial banks.

Based on these results, he recommended the importance and necessity of commercial banks ’reliance on competence represented by trade and experience in recruitment, and the necessity of determining their needs of human resources necessary to achieve competitive advantage. In addition to the above, the study recommended the importance of working to achieve conviction in justice and equality of opportunities among employees, and to increase interest and preserve more distinctive human resources for longer years.


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How to Cite
Dr. Hamad Amer Hamad Azeb Alajmi. (2020). The Effectiveness of Strategic Planning for Human Resources in Reducing the Impact of Crises in the Kuwaiti Banking Sector: (Commercial banks). Journal of Arts, Literature, Humanities and Social Sciences, (61), 324-344.