Applying an Appropriate Answer Strategy in Teaching Reading Comprehension
The aim of the current research is as follows: -
- Emphasizing the importance of an appropriate answer strategy as a strategy that has not been discussed before.
- Emphasizing the importance of reading comprehension consider it as the main goal of the reading process.
- Emphasize on the following of active learning as directed to the activity of learners.
- Emphasizing the creation of a lively educational atmosphere by adopting effective reading strategies.
In order to ensure active learning to achieve the desired goals from it, educators relied on a set of strategies related to the learner’s activity, which is developing the thinking capabilities of learners and developing their intellectual and performance skills to apply what they learn in their practical life situations, and among the goals of active learning: -
- Developing creative thinking and critical thinking skills for students.
- Developing students' abilities on the critical reading and analyzing what they have read.
- Achieve learning goals through diversification of learning activities.
- Training learners on the creative works and in practicing and acquiring real life experiences.
- Increase learners' motivation towards learning.
- Develop the skills of cooperation and communication with others among learners.
- Encouraging learners to acquire higher thinking skills, such as analysis, synthesis, and evaluation.
And the active learning has a tremendous amount of good strategies through which goals can be achieved in less time and effort, as well as positive results that can be obtained through elaboration and serious cooperation between the student and the teacher, Among these strategies is an appropriate answer strategy that seeks to contribute to the teacher’s development and professional and cognitive growth in the teaching arts and to create a new and diverse interactive teaching base in innovation and finding new teaching methods and procedures that lead to a desire for learning by the student and transforming it from a negative recipient into an active participant, researcher, inferred and disposal of idleness and boredom in the classroom, creating likable and varied learning environment and making the student self-reliant in his thinking through his interaction with his fellow students.
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