Productive Thinking and its Relationship to the Twenty-First Century Skills among Students of the Mathematics Department in the College of Education

  • Assist. Lect. Rafe Mutlak Aswad The Sunni Endowment Office - Iraq
Keywords: Productive Thinking, 21st Century Skills, Mathematics, College of Education


Current research aims to identify a relationship between productive thinking and the skills of the twenty-first century, where a sample consisted of (420) students and students after excluding a number of absent students from the Faculty of Education that was dismissed by the collge  of education for pure  sience  ibn  al – haytham (morning and evening study), as that sample was withdrawn According to a random, phased way. Where the research used two tools: the Productive Thinking Test and the Twenty One Century Skills Scale, which a researcher built, and the Productive Thinking Test consisted of (37) paragraphs that a researcher constructed. A second tool is (Skills Scale 21) and it consists of (45) paragraphs that fall under the four Alternatives The psychometric properties of the scale and the test were verified for their apparent validity and validity by means of internal consistency and by Alpha Cronbach, and after collecting information and treating it statistically, a researcher reached the following results:

1.Results showed that fourth-grade / college education students possess twenty-first century skills.

  1. Results showed that fourth-stage / college education students possess productive thinking.
  2. The results showed a significant correlation between the degrees of productive thinking and twenty-one century skills of the students.


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How to Cite
Assist. Lect. Rafe Mutlak Aswad. (2021). Productive Thinking and its Relationship to the Twenty-First Century Skills among Students of the Mathematics Department in the College of Education. Journal of Arts, Literature, Humanities and Social Sciences, (63), 215-224.