Baghdad University Students were Exposed to the Keyboard Press

(An empirical study)

  • Dr. Layth Bader Youssef Journalism Department - College of Media - University of Baghdad - Iraq
Keywords: keyboard press, Facebook, exposure, media


Most of the social networks that currently exist can be called the keyboard press. It is a website that provides a range of services to users such as instant chat, private messages, e-mail, video, blogs, file sharing, and other services. It is clear that these social networks have made a big change in how communication between People, communities and information sharing.

The research problem revolves around the following:

The extent of Baghdad University students' exposure to the keyboard press (Facebook).

research aims: The research aims to find out the habits of exposure of Baghdad University students to keyboard press

Research Methodology:

The researcher used the descriptive approach depending on the sample survey method, because it is the most appropriate approach in our assessment of the nature and requirements of the research.

Research limits

1- The place: It is represented in the spatial boundaries of Baghdad University for the selected colleges.

2- The time: It is represented by the month of January, i.e. the first month of 2018.

The research community is represented by students of Baghdad University in the Faculties of (Media, Political Science and Science) who are exposed to the keyboard press (Facebook) on a regular basis and according to specific age groups, educational and for both sexes. In conclusion, the research reached conclusions and recommendations, the most important of which were: 1- It was found that the exposure rate of the keyboard press represented by Facebook to students of the University of Baghdad is almost close between males and females, and this indicates the popularity of Facebook and its access to the student community as a whole. 2- Most of those exposed to the keyboard press within the research period ranged between 19-22 years old, i.e. students of primary studies at the colleges of Baghdad University. 3- It was found that (66%) of those exposed to Facebook are primary studies students, and (34%) are postgraduate students.


1- Paying attention to Internet centers at the University of Baghdad and making them more accessible to students.

2- Educating the technical staff who supervise these centers to strengthen the bonds of trust between the administration of the centers and students.

3- Educating students, through their colleges, of the benefits of keyboard journalism and social media, in obtaining useful scientific information related to their mother university.


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How to Cite
Dr. Layth Bader Youssef. (2021). Baghdad University Students were Exposed to the Keyboard Press: (An empirical study). Journal of Arts, Literature, Humanities and Social Sciences, (63), 197-214.