The Role of Geopolitical Thought in Support of Israel

  • Dr. Elham Al- Allan Assistant Professor, Faculty of Economics and Administration - Department of Political Science- King Abdulaziz University - Jeddah - Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Keywords: Geopolitical Thought, Israel


The aim of this research is to identify the role of geopolitical thought in supporting Israel, and to achieve this, the geopolitical concept, the current situation and program strategy, initiatives and timetable, pivotal initiatives and enablers were revealed, and the research tool consisted in analyzing these contents and linking them to the concept of national belonging.

The descriptive method was adopted as a scientific method to address the research. The analysis indicated that the Quality of Life Program 2020 document contributes to establishing basic rules for the quality of life in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, which enhances the family affiliation that stems from belonging to the motherland, which indicates that satisfying the need for a citizen's community affiliation has a positive effect on deepening the sense of belonging to the homeland. He has, and this confirms the positive impact of the state in promoting belonging to the homeland by activating its various functions.


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How to Cite
Dr. Elham Al- Allan. (2021). The Role of Geopolitical Thought in Support of Israel. Journal of Arts, Literature, Humanities and Social Sciences, (63), 122-137.