Aesthetic Concepts in Digital Printing Design for Iraqi Electronic Newspapers
The art of design is one of the means of expressing human experiences and experiences, as it is a phenomenon subject to the laws of development, controversy and advancement, stemming from the human will to change and elevating our aesthetic awareness and our feelings, which elevate in different forms of designs that reveal themselves in the great design works left by the artists. The artwork has a set of intertwined elements that are intertwined with each other to reflect the peculiarity of this work. Design is a basic work for the human being because it is innovation and the creation of new and interesting things. By design, we set the plan to do something and the design differs from one person to another according to the person’s ability to innovate and use his creative skills in imagining so that the design is suitable for the required purpose and in a beautiful way; various types, such as fabric design, interior design, industrial design, and print design.
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