The Effect of an Overflow Experience Theory -Based Proposed Teaching Strategy on Intermediate School Pupils’ Reading Comprehension
This research aims to find out the impact of a proposed strategy based on the theory of overflow experience on reading comprehension among first intermediate school pupils The researcher relied on the descriptive approach to build the proposed strategy and on the experimental approach to know its effect on reading comprehension among first intermediate grade students.
The experimental design utilized is the non-randomized control group the post-test option. The research population represents Iraqi first intermediate school pupils in Baghdad governorate / Al-Rusafa, while the sample includes (60) pupils who are divided into (30) pupils in the experimental group and (30) pupils in the control one taken from Qatar Intermediate School for Boys / Rusafa Third Directorate.
The equalization of the two groups are checked according to some variables as pupils’ age in months, degrees of the previous year, and intelligence.
A reading comprehension test is constructed and the psychometric properties of which are checked and ensured. After applying the test to the two groups at the end of the experiment, the data achieved is analyzed and manipulated by using the T-test for two independent samples. The results show that pupils in the experimental group outweigh those in the control one. According to the results achieved, a number of recommendations and suggested are put forward.
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