Reasons for students weakness in Arabic language skills in light of the national test 2019 and methods of treatment

  • Afaf Radi Hawari Ministry of Education - Jordan
Keywords: Skill, Arabic language skills, National test


The study aimed to find out the reasons for students weakness in Arabic language skills and methods of treatment and the study community included male and female teachers of government schools working in the Directorate of Education in the Taybeh and Wastia Brigades . The study sample was chosen by the descriptive survey method and the study sample consisted of 100 male and female teachers . The study used the questionnaire as a study tool tp reach the goals , as it was developed to reveal the reasons for students weakness in Arabic language skills . The results showed that the reasons for students weakness in the Arabic language skills from the teachers point of view are due to many factors , the highest reasons are related to students , as there are individual differences between students . And there are weakness among teachers in meeting the needs of students and setting treatment plans for those with additional needs of students in the Arabic language subject . It can also be attributed to this result , perhaps because students are exposed to some social and academic problems that may affect their academic preparation , especially in the Arabic language subject . The statistical program ( spss ) was used to statistically process the data and extract the results .


القرآن الكريم
السنة النبوية
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How to Cite
Afaf Radi Hawari. (2020). Reasons for students weakness in Arabic language skills in light of the national test 2019 and methods of treatment. Journal of Arts, Literature, Humanities and Social Sciences, (61), 226-241.