The Trial Stage in the Procedural Legislation of the Internal Security Forces

  • Dr. Shwan Arab Sadik PhD in Criminal Law - College of Law - University of Knowledge – Erbil - Iraq
Keywords: The accused, Criminal lawsuit, Judicial investigation


 Discussing the procedures that should be followed in the general rules governing trial procedures before the Court of First Instance before the Internal Security Court.

Courts of justice, internal justice, to be justice in justice.

Achieving justice given by them:

  • The public prosecution representative attends justice with all legal controls at all stages of the trial.
  • And writing his letter, writing and writing it all the information and the office
  • The design character of the security group that achieves justice and restores rights to their owners.


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How to Cite
Dr. Shwan Arab Sadik. (2020). The Trial Stage in the Procedural Legislation of the Internal Security Forces. Journal of Arts, Literature, Humanities and Social Sciences, (61), 140-156.