The use of heritage in the stories of Dr. Jamal Al-Jaziri

(And the eyes of the crow - the children of the sacred - will tear up - how beautiful this resurrection is)

  • Assist. Lect. Naglaa Ahmed Hassan Translation Department - College of Literature - Iraqi University - Iraq
Keywords: use of heritage, Dr. Jamal Al-Jaziri


This research deals with the issue of employing heritage in the stories of Dr. Jamal Al-Jaziri, on the basis that heritage remains alive through time as it takes various forms that affect the formation of awareness, reason and conscience, and the diversity of this employment between the religious and the Qur’anic texts and religious rituals it carries for its performance in society, as well as It is about employing proverbs, the ruling they carry, and employing songs in which the individual would find an outlet for him to express what was going on in his feels.


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How to Cite
Assist. Lect. Naglaa Ahmed Hassan. (2020). The use of heritage in the stories of Dr. Jamal Al-Jaziri: (And the eyes of the crow - the children of the sacred - will tear up - how beautiful this resurrection is). Journal of Arts, Literature, Humanities and Social Sciences, (61), 116-125.