Narration in the Umayyad Spining Poetry
(Ra'iyyah ibn Abi Rabia: a Case Study)
This study seeks to highlight the narrative found in "Ra'yyah" Umar ibn Abi Rabia as a model of Arabic Umayyad Spining poetry, since the narration is not excluded to prose without poetry. Actually narration is present in both genres through the poet's investment of narration that manifested in word formats (pronouns and verbs), and the dialogue scenes that the poet invests to present the poetic experience.
As the Umayyad poetry is full of romantic trends that touch the soul and represent the scenes of daily life and its movements, it also embrace the narrative in general and the story in particular; so the present study aimed to investigate the narrative elements, effects and aesthetic dimensions found in Ra'yyah Umar ibn Abi . The following topics were discussed:
- The narrative elements in the "Ra'yyah" .
- Integration of narrative structure.
- The narrative effect in the aesthetics of the text.
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