Underage Marriage between Religion and Customs

(A field social study in the Personal Status Court in the city of Diwaniyah)

  • Assistant Professor Hana Hassan Sedkhan Al-Badri Department of Sociology - College of Arts - University of Al-Qadisiyah - Iraq
Keywords: underage marriage, religion, customs, personal status court


 Recently, the phenomenon of underage marriage has spread clearly in Iraqi society, as parents marry off their daughters at a young age to financially empowered people, and this phenomenon is the result of backwardness and failure to take into account the human value of the girl, as we must give her care and attention to be eligible to perform an important leadership responsibility in building The family and this important role is ignored by tribal traditions. There are a number of reasons that help to spread this dangerous phenomenon. Many motives push parents to throw their daughters into an unknown marriage, and this phenomenon is a social catastrophe in Iraq. Underage marriage is a widespread and inherited phenomenon in society, especially in the countryside, which is difficult to reverse because it is an eternal tradition without Feeling any embarrassment to do this because they are convinced that the Islamic religion has not set an age for marriage without considering that the marriage of a minor girl may negatively affect her health and also the society because she may not be a mother and is not qualified to raise her children who will become like her after several years . The importance of the research came to deal with the causes and effects that lead to the marriage of minors, and this study reached through the questionnaire distributed in the Personal Status Court in the city of Diwaniyah to (67) married minor girls to a set of results, the most prominent of which is: Rejection of the idea of ​​early marriage in society because of its effects Great because it is the deprivation of the young girl from the most prominent of her rights, which is the right to life and the right to education, as well as the possibility of her exposure to psychological disorders and customs and traditions a major role because it is one of the causes that directly affect this phenomenon and early marriage is doomed to failure because the girl when she marries at an early age is not eligible She has no experience in dealing with marital problems and life difficulties in general, which leads to the failure of the marital relationship and divorce    


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How to Cite
Assistant Professor Hana Hassan Sedkhan Al-Badri. (2020). Underage Marriage between Religion and Customs: (A field social study in the Personal Status Court in the city of Diwaniyah). Journal of Arts, Literature, Humanities and Social Sciences, (61), 69-85. https://doi.org/10.33193/JALHSS.61.2020.330