SAMARKAND City During the Era of TIMURIDS ( 771 – 912 A.H. \ 1370 - 1506 A.D. )

(A Historical - Civilization Study)

  • Assist. Prof. Dr. Hussein Kadhim khayuon Directorate General of Education in Diyala Governorate – Ministry of Education -Iraq
Keywords: Samarkand, Timorese, politics, economics, science


The topic of the research that is titled (( The City of Samarkand During the Era of the Timurids (771-912  A.H.  / 1370-1506  A.D. )  )) included the definition of the city in terms of name and location, a historical overview of it, a brief explanation of Tamerlane’s character, his most prominent characteristics and his military activities.

The research discussed the most important of sciences and arts that flourished during the reign of Tamerlane and his son Shah Rakh and his grandson Ulugh Bek . Who are among the most prominent rulers of the city of Samarkand. They left clear architectural remains in the city of Samarkand, but the struggle for the throne, disputes and unrest after that led to the end of the political and economic role . While the end of the Timurid state. When it was occupied by nomadic Uzbeks who were led by Muhammad Shayban Khan.

Whereas the significant points of the research, it included the wide urban and scientific renaissance through the construction of schools and the urban jewels of Samarkand which implied the Shah Zinda complex and the Bibi Khanum complex.

But the last section of the research, it dealt with the economic activity in Samarkand in terms of water resources, their sources and their importance for agricultural production . Such as indicating the most important types of agricultural crops, the abundance of orchards that spread in large parts of the city , its suburbs and dependencies as well as categories of crops that were available. The research debated the most significant of minerals that are available and used in the booming industry, the most important surplus industries which are exported to other regions and countries.

In addition to that the search discussed about way of trade and transportation in Samarkand . Where it was considered as one of the important linkages between the East and the West , such as essential station  stop for trade caravans that were located on the vital land silk road. As well  at the crossroads connecting to India, China, Khorasan, Russia and other countries. In the conclusion, the most superior conclusions that were reached in the research.


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How to Cite
Assist. Prof. Dr. Hussein Kadhim khayuon. (2020). SAMARKAND City During the Era of TIMURIDS ( 771 – 912 A.H. \ 1370 - 1506 A.D. ) : (A Historical - Civilization Study). Journal of Arts, Literature, Humanities and Social Sciences, (61), 47-68.