Sacred Botanical Concepts in the Book of Light shown in the Stories of the Prophets and Messengers
The current research is aimed at identifying sacred plant concepts from the sky to the earth for the purpose of reproduction and the survival of the creation of human and animal communities.
The researcher chose a descriptive search method (the content analysis method) because it is the right approach to the nature and goals of the search, because it is relevant to the past and the distant past, in particular.
Content Analysis Technology : It is a structured objective search technique aimed at describing the list of contents in heritage books and other materials that can form or be a research material and are usually written. And since content analysis is usually done by two or more, this gives some standard validation to this analysis.
The researcher chose simple words and iterations in content analysis zero
The research community includes one book, 446 pages analyzed, and it's divided into 24 chapters, each with 31 lines, and one line has 15 printed words, the book is free of images, maps, tables, pages, all books analyzed, and all of society is a sample.
The researcher used the explicit plant concept and the sample (28) came up with a sacred plant concept. The resolution research tool reached a size of 28 constructive concepts that were presented to 15 arbitrators from the Educational and Psychological Sciences Department and the Geography Department at the University of Babil, the Faculty of Education for Human Sciences, for their opinions and observations to indicate its suitability and classification to four areas in the field of cereals, vegetables, fodder, trees, and fruits, the number one of which was given percentages.
The researcher applied the resolution after verifying its reliability and stability and reached the truthfulness coefficient (0.77), which satisfies the purpose of research. The size of the stability coefficient is (0.80). The researcher came out with results that won the vegetable field in the first place according to percentages. The researcher also produced recommendations and proposals, including similar studies in other heritage books.
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