Administrative Organizations in the Islamic State
(Salaries, holidays, uniforms and social status)
This research aims to reveal the reality of administrative organizations in the Islamic State, which has received great attention from researchers, Vngnoha their studies and researches, which revealed a lot about the circumstances, and gave a clear picture of the majority of events.
While the administrative organizations in the Islamic State have met with researches and studies, there are aspects that the researchers dealt with in their studies casually without elaboration. These aspects include: salaries and livelihoods of the staff of the offices, their working days, their holiday, their uniform and their social status.
In the absence of a specialized study on the salaries, uniforms and social status of the bureaucrats, and highlighting the importance of this subject, which is a cornerstone of the spending policy in the Islamic State, the researcher considered the importance of conducting this study.
In order to achieve the objectives of the study, I dealt first with the expenditures in the Islamic State, then touched on the salaries of the staff of the bureaus, highlighting the factors that go into its estimation and the privileges granted to them. Then I talked about their social status and finally the conclusion that included the most important findings of the study.
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