The historical interpretation of the stories in the Qur’an
The purpose of our study is:
The historical interpretation of stories in the Qur’an, and the story is one of the methods of the Holy Qur’an that it was presented to the recipients by Allah, may He be praised and exalted, in a wonderful artistic way with the truthfulness of the historical facts in it, there is no doubt that the Holy Qur’an is not a book of history or literature, but rather a book of revelation and guidance for mankind.
The purpose of historical stories in the Qur’an is to explain the Essence of the lesson and the sermon. Therefore, we often find a story in the Qur’an that came in different ways that required the context and position.
What is mentioned in Qur’an from real stories and events that are not fabricated, but the method of presenting it differs according to the context of the verse and the surah, as Allah, may He be praised and exalted, sometimes gives detail and other times concise it, and also tells us historical stories and facts of what the fate of the people have come to with their prophets and the torment of Allah for whom He disobeyed and became arrogant on earth without truth, and for that he gave us many parables as a lesson for rational people and showing the straight path for all mankind.
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