Video Image Art between Processing and Concept

  • Assist. Lect. Sawsan Hashem Ghadban Al-Ali General Directorate of Education in Najaf - Art Education - Iraq
  • Assist. Prof. Dr. Riad Hilal Mutlaq Al-Dulaimi Babylon University - College of Fine Arts - Department of Fine Education - Iraq
Keywords: Image, concept, processing


The current research (video image, art between treatment and concept) deals with the concept of the image philosophically, aesthetically, and psychologically. And getting acquainted with the art of video and the most important artists who excelled in this art, so the research contained four chapters: The first chapter included the research problem that was summarized by the question: What are the treatments and concepts that the video art image is related to? And its importance, need, and purpose of the research that was summarized (by identifying the video image art between treatment and concept). The first chapter also included a definition of the limits of the research, and the definition of terms contained in the title of the research and their procedural definition by the researchers in accordance with the content of the research, and the second chapter, which is the framework The theoretical study of the research, it was divided into two main topics: the first is concerned with (definition of the image and its conceptual, philosophical and aesthetic dimensions) and the second research deals with (structural and technical treatments in the image of video art) through the concept of contemporary video art. And the date of its appearance. The research reached a set of results, including:

  1. The conceptual expressive and symbolic dimensions were represented by the vitality and dynamism of the kinetic art in video art through the effectiveness of the scene, because video art is an expressive art that expresses the taste of the recipient of the contemporary time, and because it addresses the recipient in a way that differs from other arts through an expressive moving image that proposes multiple ideas and meanings. It conveys emotions in a way that differs from painting, as it is related to sound. As in the sample model. (1, 2, 3, 4(
  2. The structural and technical treatments of the video art image contributed to the excitement, amazement, and strangeness of the recipient through a set of structural elements, including the intensity of color and its lighting due to its psychological, expressive and aesthetic connotations. As in the sample model (1, 2,3,4(

One of the most important conclusions reached by the research is that the image of contemporary video art in all its dimensions and techniques is reflected in its artistic features, from beauty to creativity, represented by aset of iconic, symbolic, psychological, rhetorical and communicative indications that are based on the idea, content, color spaces and structural relationships of organization, and that these signs express values The image of video art came as a mirror reflecting the culture and the social environment, and a means of expressing the visual cultural identity through shapes, symbols, icons, human figures, even architecture, the way the video is presented and the effectiveness of the recipient.


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How to Cite
Assist. Lect. Sawsan Hashem Ghadban Al-Ali, & Assist. Prof. Dr. Riad Hilal Mutlaq Al-Dulaimi. (2020). Video Image Art between Processing and Concept. Journal of Arts, Literature, Humanities and Social Sciences, (60), 314-338.