Mathematical Representations included in the Mathematics Textbook of Second Grade Secondary School

  • Tuka Baqir Khudair Methods of Teaching Mathematics- College of Education for pure Science / Ibn AI Haitham - University of Baghdad - Iraq
  • Asst. prof. Dr. Elham Jabbar Faris Methods of Teaching Mathematics- College of Education for pur Science / Ibn Al Haitham - University of Baghdad - Iraq
Keywords: mathematical representation, classifications of mathematical representation, textbook


The goal of this research is to identify the extent of inclusion of mathematical representation in the curriculum of second grade secondary student’s mathematics textbook (in both part1 and part2) for the school year (2019 -2020), and in order to achieve the goal of the research, the researcher formulated the following question:

To what extent is the mathematical representation incorporated in the mathematics textbook for secod grade secondary school in both its parts (part1 and part2)?. The researcher then attempted to provide an answer by using descriptive analysis approach by listing the types of mathematical representations (mathematical representations based on the data to be represented) and (mathematical representation based on the educational purpose) and their subcategories. After completing the analysis of the content of the mathematics textbook of second grade secondary school in its part1 and part2, the stability of the analysis was confirmed through analysis over time and through others. The analysis was more than 80% stable by using HOLSTEE equation.

The research concluded that the mathematics textbook of second grade secondary school includes in both its two parts; the mathematical representations based on the data to be represented ,  while mathematical representation based on the educational purpose. This shows that mathematical representation was incorporated in the subject curriculum at relatively similar percentage.

In light of the results obtained by the research, a number of conclusions and recommendations were made such as:

  • Part1 of the mathematics textbook of second grade secondary school generally included more mathematical representation than part2
  • The graphics incorporated within the contents should be more descriptive of the concept of the problem as well as informative and easily understood by a second grade student.


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How to Cite
Tuka Baqir Khudair, & Asst. prof. Dr. Elham Jabbar Faris. (2020). Mathematical Representations included in the Mathematics Textbook of Second Grade Secondary School. Journal of Arts, Literature, Humanities and Social Sciences, (60), 300-313.