The Effect of Emotion fear in Drawing the Image of Hussein in the Modern Poetic Theater
(A simeillian study)
When looking at the seven texts, we find that there are accurate linguistic .It is references to the manifestation of the emotion of fear in them , we found signs of eyes, signs of faces that indicate that emotion, and we found positive fear and negative fear in the texts. positive fear was represented by the fear of Hussein over the nation of peoples' Mohammed ( May God’s peace and blessings be upon him), his fear for the fate of Muslims, and what their situation has become. Negatives' fear represented by enemies' fear and their dismay from Al-Hussein, until the signs of fear appeared clearly on their faces, and fear also appeared in their voices. As Hussein's enemies feared him even after his death . The search divided into two parts, first part poets whose hearts played the equivalent plays, they denied the emotion of fear about Hussein, and he was not afraid for himself, and if he was afraid he would not have gone to death, as was shown in the second part by the fear of enemies, their psychological struggles, and the tragic situation that they had become after the martyrdom of Hussein, especially Shammar and yazeed Ghosts, delusions and crying noises chased them until their death.
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