The Role of Music in Developing the Psychological side of the Iraqi Child
Role of Music, Psychological, Iraqi Child
The Lebanese child is the basis for building society, as he is the mainstay and leader of the future, and because of wars and infighting, it has a negative impact on his social life. Perhaps music is the only element that has a positive impact on the course of his life as it enters into all aspects of his daily life, including play, entertainment and education, and it has a great role in correcting life paths What the child went through, the need arose to find music and its types that affect the child's life, as the research dealt with the role of music in the child's life, as well as international music schools concerned with applying music to children and the types of music that affect the child.
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1. Jamil Saliba, dt, The Philosophical Dictionary, First Edition, Qom: Publications by kin, Suleiman Zadeh.
2. Al-Jundi, Tariq, 2012, Radikan Magazine, Issue XV.
3. George Henry Farmer, 2010, Arabic Music Resources, Arab Publishing Library, Al-Qaher.
4. Hussam Yaqoub Ishaq, 1987, Teaching Musical Children for the Age 3-6 Years, 1st Edition, House of Culture for Children, Baghdad.
5. Hussein Kaddouri, 1999, Music Education for Children, 1st Edition, House of General Cultural Affairs, Baghdad.
6. Al-Khatib, Jamal, 1999, Behavior Modification, Al-Quds Open University Publications.
7. Rami Haddad, 2008, Music in Reducing Psychological Tension, the Internet.
8. Al-Abbas, Habib Zahir, 2010, Media and Musical Concepts, C (1), T (1), General Cultural Affairs House Press, Baghdad.
9. Abdel Nasser Kaadan, 2015, Music Therapy in Arab Medicine, the Internet.
10. Al-Attar, Nelly Muhammad, 2013, Musical education in a child's life, 6th floor, Modern University Office.
11. Al-Attar, Nelly Muhammad, 2013, Music and Training for the Disabled, 1st floor, Modern University Office.
12. Al-Attar, Nelly Muhammad, 2013, The role of music in treating autistic children, I, University Office.
13. Al-Awadi, Hani Ramzy, Learning music as a child benefits the brain, the Internet.
14. Al-Mahmoudi, Abd al-Sattar Mahmoud, 2011, Music and its Health Role, Santosi State, Middle East.
15. Al-Masha`a, Fathallah, 1988, The Story of Philosophy, 6th Edition, Knowledge Library, Beirut
16. Naglaa Abdel-Ghani, 2013, Music Education and its Role in Creativity, 1st Edition, Desouq, House of Science and Development for Publishing and Distribution.
17. Youssef Mikhail Asaad, 1977, Behavior and Character Perversions, The Anglo-Egyptian Library, Cairo.
2. الجندي، طارق، 2012، مجلة راديكان، العدد الخامس عشر.
3. جورج هنري فارمر، 2010، مصادر الموسيقى العربية، المكتبة العربية للنشر، القاهر.
4. حسام يعقوب اسحق، 1987، تربية الاطفال الموسيقية للسن 3-6 سنوات، ط1، دار ثقافة الاطفال، بغداد.
5. حسين قدوري , 1999، التربية الموسيقية للأطفال, ط1, دار الشؤون الثقافية العامة, بغداد.
6. الخطيب، جمال، 1999، تعديل السلوك، منشورات جامعة القدس المفتوحة.
7. رامي حداد، 2008، الموسيقى في تخفيف التوتر النفسي، الانترنت.
8. العباس, حبيب ظاهر, 2010، اعلام ومفاهيم موسيقية, ج(1), ط(1), مطبعة دار الشؤون الثقافية العامة, بغداد.
9. عبد الناصر كعدان، 2015، العلاج بالموسيقى في الطب العربي، الانترنت.
10. العطار, نيللي محمد, 2013، التربية الموسيقية في حياة الطفل، ط6, المكتب الجامعي الحديث.
11. العطار, نيللي محمد , 2013، الموسيقى وتدريب المعاقين , ط1, المكتب الجامعي الحديث.
12. العطار, نيللي محمد, 2013، دور الموسيقى في علاج أطفال التوحد, ط, المكتب الجامعي.
13. العوضي, هاني رمزي, تعلم الموسيقى في الصغر يفيد المخ ، شبكة الانترنت .
14. المحمودي, عبد الستار محمود, 2011، الموسيقى ودورها الصحي, ولاية سانتوسي, الشرق الأوسط.
15. المشعشع, فتح الله, 1988، قصة الفلسفة, ط6, مكتبة المعارف, بيروت.
16. نجلاء عبد الغني, 2013، التربية الموسيقية ودورها في الأبداع, ط1، دسوق, دار العلم والأنماء للنشر والتوزيع.
17. يوسف ميخائيل اسعد، 1977، السلوك وانحرافات الشخصية، مكتبة الانجلو المصرية، القاهرة.
1. Jamil Saliba, dt, The Philosophical Dictionary, First Edition, Qom: Publications by kin, Suleiman Zadeh.
2. Al-Jundi, Tariq, 2012, Radikan Magazine, Issue XV.
3. George Henry Farmer, 2010, Arabic Music Resources, Arab Publishing Library, Al-Qaher.
4. Hussam Yaqoub Ishaq, 1987, Teaching Musical Children for the Age 3-6 Years, 1st Edition, House of Culture for Children, Baghdad.
5. Hussein Kaddouri, 1999, Music Education for Children, 1st Edition, House of General Cultural Affairs, Baghdad.
6. Al-Khatib, Jamal, 1999, Behavior Modification, Al-Quds Open University Publications.
7. Rami Haddad, 2008, Music in Reducing Psychological Tension, the Internet.
8. Al-Abbas, Habib Zahir, 2010, Media and Musical Concepts, C (1), T (1), General Cultural Affairs House Press, Baghdad.
9. Abdel Nasser Kaadan, 2015, Music Therapy in Arab Medicine, the Internet.
10. Al-Attar, Nelly Muhammad, 2013, Musical education in a child's life, 6th floor, Modern University Office.
11. Al-Attar, Nelly Muhammad, 2013, Music and Training for the Disabled, 1st floor, Modern University Office.
12. Al-Attar, Nelly Muhammad, 2013, The role of music in treating autistic children, I, University Office.
13. Al-Awadi, Hani Ramzy, Learning music as a child benefits the brain, the Internet.
14. Al-Mahmoudi, Abd al-Sattar Mahmoud, 2011, Music and its Health Role, Santosi State, Middle East.
15. Al-Masha`a, Fathallah, 1988, The Story of Philosophy, 6th Edition, Knowledge Library, Beirut
16. Naglaa Abdel-Ghani, 2013, Music Education and its Role in Creativity, 1st Edition, Desouq, House of Science and Development for Publishing and Distribution.
17. Youssef Mikhail Asaad, 1977, Behavior and Character Perversions, The Anglo-Egyptian Library, Cairo.
How to Cite
Hasanain Nawab Hashim. (2020). The Role of Music in Developing the Psychological side of the Iraqi Child. Journal of Arts, Literature, Humanities and Social Sciences, (60), 273-283.