Special Education Teachers’ Attitudes towards Using Tablets for Teaching Disabled Students in Jordanian Schools
(An Empirical study)
The present study aimed to explore the special education teachers’ attitudes towards using tablets for teaching disabled students in Jordanian schools. The researcher selected a purposive sample that consists from 75 special education female teachers. Those teachers were selected from 15 private schools located in Amman, Jordan. Questionnaire forms were distributed to the selected teachers by hand. All the forms were retrieved and considered valid for analysis. The response rate is 100%. SPSS program was used. It was found that special education teachers have positive attitudes towards using tablets for teaching disabled students in Jordanian schools. Using tablet for teaching disabled students contributes to the development of their literacy, problem solving and critical thinking skills. In addition, it plays a significant role in motivating disabled students to learn. However, it requires much preparation by the teacher for the lesson. It requires dedicating more time for giving the lesson. The researcher recommends providing special education teachers in Jordan with training courses about the way of using tablets.
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