The Role of Public Relations Department at the Saudi Ministry of Health in Dealing with Corona Virus (Covid 19) Pandemic from the Public Relations Students' Point of View
The current study aimed to identify the role of the Public Relations Department of the Saudi Ministry of Health in dealing with Corona pandemic (Covid 19) from the point of view of public relations students. For this purpose, the researcher used the descriptive method, both analytical and applied. Participants of the study were a group of Public Relations Department students at the Faculty of Media, Imam Muhammad bin Saud University . The sample was selected according to the simple random sampling method; and it consisted of (422) female students at the Public Relations Department (fifth level to eighth level). Data were collected using a questionnaire distributed to the study participants. Results of the study showed that: the Public Relations Department of the Saudi Ministry of Health has a great role in dealing with Corona pandemic (Covid 19), from the point of view of public relations students. There is almost an agreement on the importance of its role in various domains including: (1) communicating with audiences, (2) raising audiences' awareness of the Corona pandemic, (3) communicating with other sectors and ministries regarding Corona pandemic, and (4) organizing and managing foreign relations related to Corona pandemic. The fifth domain related to the challenges facing the Public Relations Department of the Ministry of Health in carrying out its tasks during Corona pandemic came with a medium degree of importance. Also, results of the rank ordering of the domains showed that there is a difference in the rank order of the domains measured. The second domain related to audience awareness of Corona pandemic came in first place with an average of (2.96), and with a high degree of importance, the first domain related to communication with the audience came in second place with an average (2.94), and with a high degree of importance, the fourth domain came in the third rank, with an average of (2.93), and with a high degree of importance, the third domain related to communication with other sectors and ministries regarding the Corona pandemic came in fourth place with an average of (2.74), and the fifth domain, related to the challenges facing the Public Relations Department at the Ministry of Health in carrying out its tasks during the Corona pandemic, came in the fifth and last place, with an average (2.06), and with a moderate degree of importance.
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