International laws and agreements and the extent of their impact on government reforms and the distribution of powers between the central government and the governorates in the international perspective and the Iraqi constitution 2005

  • Assist. Lect. Muneam Thayir Faris Imam Al-Kazim College (peace be upon him) for Islamic Sciences University - Iraq
Keywords: Transfer of powers, international law, European Union, Iraqi Constitution, Governorates. Conflict of laws


The international community is in a state of continuous development and the wheel of life is in a race with this development, which is reflected in all areas of life, including the legal aspect.  The state, as a legal personality, certainly has a share in this development, especially its political and administrative system. Before all this, international law has a large share in the continuous development of its texts and the emergence of new international rules. And in order for these countries to be able to keep pace with the wheel of development, international law always needs to create new international legal rules that help allow countries to develop, undertake reforms, and consolidate the principle of centralization and broaden the concept of transferring powers between central governments, regions and governorates.  The state also always needs reforms in its political and administrative system and the transfer of powers between the center and the provinces.  On this basis, we note at the present time the tendency of many countries to legalize the mechanism through which reforms are carried out within the state and continuously through many methods and the most important of transferring powers.  The extent of their conformity with the international standards stipulated in international treaties and agreements and general principles of public international law.

        We note that at the international level, international law has contributed greatly to the consolidation of this trend by concluding many international agreements and international treaties that help in achieving this purpose and we see that many countries of the world have achieved a qualitative leap at all levels through  Their political and economic reforms through the distribution of powers, these countries have occupied a leading position in terms of development on the world level because of the reform of the political system in accordance with international standards.  And the most important factors that helped these countries to succeed is that they have created the necessary ground for all this by legislating the relevant laws based on international laws.  Such as Malaysia, Singapore and other countries.

        We also see at the same time, some countries have failed to follow this trend and achieve reforms through the transfer of powers. The reason is that these countries were not prepared and do not have the legal package that helps to achieve reforms in addition to social and ideological problems and the nature of their political system.  Among the

examples of the former Soviet Union, and one of the most important reasons for its disintegration was the implementation of the system of reforms through the transfer of powers.


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How to Cite
Assist. Lect. Muneam Thayir Faris. (2020). International laws and agreements and the extent of their impact on government reforms and the distribution of powers between the central government and the governorates in the international perspective and the Iraqi constitution 2005. Journal of Arts, Literature, Humanities and Social Sciences, (60), 135-149.