The Effects and Obstacles Arising from the Khor Abdullah Agreement

  • Samar Abdullah Hwaidi College of Science -AL Muthanna University - Iraq
  • Hanan Hassan Mallah College of law - AL Muthanna University – Iraq
Keywords: Khor Abd Allah, the border, the Security Council


The issue of the Khor Abdullah Agreement is one of the issues that are still pending between Iraq and Kuwait due to the negative reactions and great uproar it caused in the Iraqi street and in the political and economic circles as well, as the apparent meaning of the agreement is for the visible is cooperation between the two countries for the purpose of organizing maritime navigation in Khor Abdullah and preserving the environment The navy is in the shipping lane in the Al Khor in a way that guarantees the interest of both countries, but when studying the terms of the agreement, we see that it represents a blatant assault on the sovereignty of Iraqi lands and the oil, water, wealth and fish they contain, as they are considered to be of great harm to the Iraqi economy, given that Khour Abdullah It is the only outlet for Iraq by sea. Therefore, in our study, we will try to identify the most important effects and obstacles resulting from the agreement for Iraq, with an indication of the legal status of the agreement.


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4-Resolution No. (687) issued by the UN Security Council on April 3, 1991.
5-Resolution No. (773) issued by the UN Security Council on August 26, 1992.
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How to Cite
Samar Abdullah Hwaidi, & Hanan Hassan Mallah. (2020). The Effects and Obstacles Arising from the Khor Abdullah Agreement. Journal of Arts, Literature, Humanities and Social Sciences, (60), 116-134.