Penal legislator Policy in Law of Combat Trade of Iraqi Human Beings

  • Assist. Lect. Asmaa Ibrahim Hussein College of Education - Al-Mustansiriyah University - Iraq
Keywords: Crime, penal legislator, law, trade of human beings


The crime of trade human beings is one of significant and dangerous crimes .  Which become point of research by more researchers .  Because it is not restricted in certain person or at specified place but it extended even it become an organization within international level .  Which increased its risky .  Whereas its importance is arisen from place of crime , who is man , his right in life , freedom , dignity and healthy of body .  As well as for abovementioned causes , special law for mentioned crime was enacted in Iraq .  Where it incriminates actions which are entered within term of trade of human beings .  And suitable punishments were determined for those activities which is Law of Combat Trade of Human Beings Act No.  28 in 2012  .  This good deed is praised by Iraqi legislator to be in lined with developments which are occurred over society .  For aforementioned significance , we have discussed in research policy of Iraqi legislator in Law of Combat trade of Iraqi human beings , therefore over two researches .  We specified first one to debate what is crime of trade human beings through three demands .  We discussed in the first demand meaning or definition of crime of trade human beings .  Whereas second demand was determined to state forms of trade human beings , such as we studied in the third demand bases of crime of trade human beings .  Second research was specified to study penal policy in law of combat of trade human beings .  Where we discussed it within three demands .  Firstly to study policy of incrimination in law of combat trade of human beings .  Secondly to debate policy of punitive in law of combat of trade of human beings .  Thirdly we argued policy of prevention in law of combat trade of human beings

After we investigated in the abovementioned subject .  We have concluded the following  :

1) Our Iraqi legislation in law of combat trade of human beings determined forms of trade human beings to reflect protocol prevention , oppression and punish trade of people in year 2000 .  Where it stated it as an example not limited .  Where it was the best way on our legislator had to adopt the points that were mentioned in the aforementioned protocol

2 ) the Iraqi legislator tackled crimes were done by morale person .  Where this is considered as a good deed to be praised for the legislator .  Where there are more who committed crimes in the name of morale person or for his behalf

3 ) Our Iraqi legislator in the mentioned law involved in the penal policy with its fields or its three branches as a trial to treat the crime of its whole sides as belief in its risky on the national and international reality .


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How to Cite
Assist. Lect. Asmaa Ibrahim Hussein. (2020). Penal legislator Policy in Law of Combat Trade of Iraqi Human Beings. Journal of Arts, Literature, Humanities and Social Sciences, (60), 98-115.