Narrating Literary News and Political Power

  • Hayam Abdul Qadir Othman College of Education for Girls - University of Baghdad - Iraq
  • Dr. Salah Kadhim Hadi College of Education for Girls - University of Baghdad - Iraq
Keywords: literary fiction, literary news, political authority and news narration, caliphs literary news, caliphs and news narration


Literature has been linked since its beginning with political power, so its growth and development was subject to the politics of the ruling class and its position on writers in general and poets in particular, especially in the early ages of Arab literature. Where the ruling authority sought to dominate the literary movement and employ it to serve its political interests and promote its religious ideologies and its political and social orientation. It used literature as a weapon to fight opponents and enemies and belittle them. So, the authority worked to attract writers, scholars, and poets to the court of the caliphate and listened to them and honored them, which helped direct writers and determine the course of the literary movement in a specific direction. This was helped by the vast literary and linguistic culture enjoyed by the Caliphs, good knowledge of ancient and modern poetry, as well as critical experiences that qualified them to make critical judgment that made them have their influence and power in Arab criticism. Therefore, it was natural for people of literature to seek to reach the House of Caliphate and get close to senior statesmen, including ministers and rulers, and obtain their approval. The poet influenced by the House of Caliphate enjoyed a sublime position among the people, he was honored, and his news were narrated. This was especially important since the literary news and narratives that used to circulate in the councils of caliphs had the attention of narrators and informants who were keen to preserve and record them in books and blogs. Accordingly, the literary novel was linked to the political power    that effectively influenced its manifestation.               

This study came to shed light on the effect of political authority’s control over literary news narration, as their power had the effect of overwhelming some poets and concealing their news. And it had an effect on the explosion of the creative energies in many of them by inspiring them. Even fighting and pursuing some writers and poets had a creative impact on the same poet, who became suffering from fear and suppression, which drove him to creativity and strive to vent himself by using symbolism and other poetry arts to conceal what he wants to express for fear of killing and threat.


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How to Cite
Hayam Abdul Qadir Othman, & Dr. Salah Kadhim Hadi. (2020). Narrating Literary News and Political Power. Journal of Arts, Literature, Humanities and Social Sciences, (60), 62-75.