Cultural Identity in Al-Tarmah's Poetry

  • Dr. Aseel Abboud Jassim Department of Arabic Language - College of Education for Girls - University of Baghdad - Iraq
Keywords: ego, cultural identity, al-Tarmah, self-belonging, collective affiliation


Highlighting the poet’s identity in literature, presenting his ideas, visions and inclinations, and analyzing them artistically and objectively, and thus is a reflection of the accumulations of knowledge rooted in the origins, which we can call (the poet’s culture) Al-Tarmah of the poets who left in their poetic speech a clear literary imprint and a literary distinction known for a long period of Time, the motivation for the research was to return to the origin of this distinction and the origin of that imprint that made Al-Tarmah a poet, so literary history immortalized him, taking a sample of his poetic texts after research and investigation in the poet’s office, and probing the depths of these texts to find out and define his cultural identity, or rather to refer to the cognitive and artistic foundations that I helped the poet to highlight his literary knowledge and the basic motivation in drawing his poetic epics that were written in those texts, forming a group of wonderful artistic pictures in form and content, and they became texts that are cited in the field of science, literature and knowledge in all its forms, so the research adopted the analytical and investigative method for an artistic sample of The poet’s literary models, and his ability to spread a kind of cognitive and literary culture that distinguished the poet, and it became a wide field for research, study and exploration of a group of The historical paradoxes that characterized the life of Al-Tarmah, and between belonging to the poet and another, there is a boundary called creativity that helped highlight his cultural identity on the literary scene and make it an integrated artistic model.


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How to Cite
Dr. Aseel Abboud Jassim. (2020). Cultural Identity in Al-Tarmah’s Poetry. Journal of Arts, Literature, Humanities and Social Sciences, (60), 38-49.