Fantasy In Children Literature

  • Assist. Lect. Wafa Salim Mahmood Institute of Fine Arts - Ministry of Education- Iraq
Keywords: Fantasy, fantasy literature, children literature, Susan Cooper


        It is necessary to point out that children's literature endeavors to please children and tries to invoke their exciting to stimulate their fantasy. The child in the early childhood can imagine and create or even fly in his imagination, trying to get out above reality and familiarity especially in his games where we find his speak with himself and his toys.

           As a genre, there is a connection between fantasy and children's literature. If we remember the immense success of J. K. Rowling's Harry Potter (1977) which represents as a typical model of the role of fantasy in children's literature in the case that it offers the young readers  a way to fulfill their place in the world. Thence, fantasy is the best device to make children's literature a means of answering children's enquiries and questions on their attempts of discovering the world.  

      In this research, The researcher will deal with the role of fantasy in children's literature with its functions and how it affects the child's response by referring to Susan Cooper's The Dark Is Rising, a type of mixed fantasy which combine the heroic and ethical fantasy.


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How to Cite
Assist. Lect. Wafa Salim Mahmood. (2020). Fantasy In Children Literature. Journal of Arts, Literature, Humanities and Social Sciences, (59), 452-465.