The Effectiveness of Training in Applied Behavioral Analysis to Treat Frustrations in University Studies as A Skill for Self-Problem Solving

  • Dr. Hanan Mohamed Sayed Ismail Associate professor - Education Faculty - Majmaah university – KSA
Keywords: Applied behavioral analysis, treatment of frustration, study faltering


The current  study aims to study the effect of training university students who are weakly academically on the method of applied behavioral analysis to treat and solve their problems that led to their academic failure and led them to frustration, and the researcher prepared a measure of frustration, and its validity and reliability were measured, by applying a sample of students from the Faculty of Science and Human Studies in Ramah and their number 150 students, then 14 students were selected who are the highest degrees of frustration scale as well as from non-performing studies. As long as the experiment sample is a intended sample it does not follow the normal distribution and this was proven by using the  Kolomogorov and Smirnov test, and then a test was applied R. Wilcoxon is a non-parametric test to detect the  presence of differences between the sample before and after training on applied behavioral analysis as well as after training and after the follow-up period, and the results revealed a statistically significant difference between the ranks of female students on the scale of frustration before and after training on applied behavioral analysis, which proves Applied behavioral analysis is a skill that can be learned and helps change behaviors in a self-way.


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54. Al-Kandari, Maryam Muhammad and Al-Ajami, Amal Hussein. 2019. The effectiveness of programme's teaching based on the science of applied behavior analysis to develop some elements of numerical sense among autistic children: a study of three cases, The Educational Journal, 23 (130), 13-58.
55. Al-Sumaidi, Jamil, and Al-Oweidi, Omar.( 2008). Parents of students with special needs know the skills of behavior modification and their training needs for those skills, Journal of the Faculty of Education, Ain Shams University, Egypt, 32 (4), 595-611.
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59. Ezz El-Din, Ahmed Mostafa. 2019. The effectiveness of a proposed program on applied behavior analysis to develop the skills of autistic children in pre-school, studies in human and social sciences 7 (2), 111- 177.
60. Fahmy, Mustafa, 1967. Mental health in the family, school and community, Ain Shams University, 2nd Edition, Dar Al Thaqafa.
61. Faraj, Al-Zureikat, Ibrahim Abdullah. 2018. Applied Behavior Analysis, Principles and Procedures in Behavior Modification, Jordan: Dar Al Fikr.
62. Ghoneim, Wael Maher. 2019. The effectiveness of a treatment program based on ABA applied behavior analysis in reducing the degree of withdrawal behavior in a sample of children with autism folding disorder, Journal of the Faculty of Education, Assiut University, 35 (2), 1-31.
63. Hanoura, Egyptian Abdel-Hamid,( 1998). Personality and Mental Health, The Anglo-Egyptian Library.
64. Hassanein, Ahmad Jaber. (2011). Administrative Frustration, Causes and Treatment, 1st Edition, Cairo : Arab Group for Training and Publishing
65. Hussein, Aisha.( 2011). The relationship of the level of frustration and the possibility of controlling it with the adequacy of the perceived self among university students, The Egyptian Journal of Psychological Studies, Cairo, The Egyptian Association for Psychological Studies, No. 33.
66. Iraqi, Saladin. (2014). The effectiveness of a training program for parents based on applied behavior analysis in improving the problem behavior of their children, Journal of Arab Studies in Education and Psychology, 51, Egypt.
67. Luvas, or. Ivar. 1981. Educating mentally handicapped children. United States of America: Broadside Creek Boulevard, Austin, Texas.
68. Ramadan, Dahmani (2017). Measuring frustration in adolescents using Roseweig for frustration, a field study in some secondary schools in M'sila city, MA Thesis, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Mohamed Boudiaf in M'sila, Algeria.
69. Shehata, Hassan and Al-Najjar, Zainab.( 2003). Dictionary of educational and psychological terms, Cairo : the Egyptian Lebanese House.
70. Zahran, Hamed, (1998). Psychological guidance and counseling, Cairo: The World of Books, 3rd Edition.
How to Cite
Dr. Hanan Mohamed Sayed Ismail. (2020). The Effectiveness of Training in Applied Behavioral Analysis to Treat Frustrations in University Studies as A Skill for Self-Problem Solving. Journal of Arts, Literature, Humanities and Social Sciences, (59), 423-441.