Analytical Thinking Skills included in The Mathematics Book for The Third Intermediate Grade

  • Lect. Rawnaq Kazem Khalifa Methods of Teaching Mathematics - Ibn Al Haytham for Pure Sciences University of Baghdad - Iraq
  • Assist Prof . Dr. Areej Khader Hassan Methods of Teaching Mathematics - Ibn Al Haytham for Pure Sciences - University of Baghdad - Iraq
Keywords: content analysis, textbook, standards for mathematics communication processes


The current research aim is to identify the extent to which analytical thinking skills are included in the first and second parts of the mathematics book, and in order to verify the goal of the study, the two researchers followed the descriptive analytical approach, the study population consisted of (232) pages from the mathematics book, second edition of 2019 for the third intermediate grade. The research sample consisted of (210) pages with 90% of the first intermediate grade mathematics textbook in its first and second parts.After verifying the validity and reliability of the research tool, the researcher analyzed the mathematics book for the third intermediate grade, the results of the analysis were as follows:

1) The percentage of including the skill of determining causes and consequences in the mathematics book for the third grade, average is 28%

2) The percentage of including the skill of determining operations and things in the mathematics book for the third grade, average, is 27%.

3) The percentage of including observation skill in the mathematics book for the third grade, average, is 15%

4) The rate of including the skill of finding evidence in the mathematics book for the third grade, average is 12%

5) The percentage of including the skill of budgeting in the mathematics book for the third grade, average is 7%

6) The percentage of including the skill of measurement in the mathematics book for the third grade, average is 4%

7) The percentage of including the skill of arranging and setting priorities and sequencing them in the mathematics book for the third grade, average is 3%

8) The rate of inclusion of classification skill in the mathematics book for the third grade, average, is 3%

9) The percentage of including the skill of prediction or prediction in the mathematics book for the third grade, average is 1%

In light of the results of the research, a number of recommendations and proposals were developed for those concerned in the field of scientific research and in the educational field.


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How to Cite
Lect. Rawnaq Kazem Khalifa, & Assist Prof . Dr. Areej Khader Hassan. (2020). Analytical Thinking Skills included in The Mathematics Book for The Third Intermediate Grade. Journal of Arts, Literature, Humanities and Social Sciences, (59), 407-422.