Levels of Mathematical Understanding Included in The Mathematics Book for The Second Intermediate Grade
The aim of the current research is to reveal the extent to which levels of mathematical understanding are included in the content of the mathematics book for the second intermediate grade for the academic year (2019-2020) AD, and to achieve the goal of the research, the researcher formulated the following question:
What is the percentage of availability levels of mathematical understanding in the content of the mathematics book for the second intermediate grade?
In order to verify the previous question, the researcher chose the descriptive and analytical method for its relevance to the nature of the research goal, as the research community and its sample were from the content of the mathematics book for the second intermediate grade for the academic year (2019-2020) m, 2nd edition, by Amir Abdul Majeed Jassim and others, the content of the mathematics book was analyzed in two parts (First and second) for the second intermediate grade according to the analysis tool for levels of mathematical understanding, which consists of eight levels: (Primitive Knowing, Image Making, Image Having, Property Noticing, Formalizing ,Observing, Structuring, Inventioing).
The number of analyzed pages reached (174) pages, and after the completion of the analysis, the validity of the tool was verified after presenting a random sample of the analysis to a group of arbitrators and specialists in methods of teaching mathematics and they unanimously agreed on the validity of the analysis, after that the objectives of the knowledge objectives of the mathematics book were derived and presented to some Among the arbitrators and specialists in the field of teaching mathematics, where the final number of cognitive goals reached (450) goals, which were analyzed according to the analysis tool for levels of mathematical understanding, as the number of times of repetition of the goal for each level in each chapter was calculated, and the stability of the analysis was calculated by agreement with the researcher himself over time and with outside analysts using the Holsti equation.
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