A Comparison Between The Methods of Arabic Language in the middle school Teaching by Achievement Level (High - Low)
The aim of the current research is to reveal a preference between the teaching methods used by the teaching staff according to the level of their students ’achievement in the Arabic language subject for the first intermediate grade, and to achieve this, the researcher prepared an information form on the use of teaching methods, numbering 15 methods and a model according to a ladder of alternatives to a three-tiered answer, 50 teachers were chosen And a school randomly, and I asked them to attach a number of grades of their students, and they totaled 300 students. Among the most prominent results of the search were:
1- The exploration method ranked first with a weighted mean 6 and 2, followed by cooperative learning (4 and 2), while the SEKMAN model ranked last with a weighted mean (1).
2- The arithmetic mean of the total scores was (n = 300) for students 20 and 73 and a standard deviation 03 and 12, males (33, 43-03 and 81) and females ranged from (50, 50 - 57 and 72) distributed according to the types of methods.
3- There is a significant difference between the averages of students ’achievement scores according to the gender variable and in favor of males.
4- There is no significant difference between the arithmetic means of teaching methods, depending on the variable of the methods group (traditional - models).
5- The traditional group methods were linked to the educational attainment level by a non-significant relationship (r = 403 and 0).
6- The group of modern models was associated with the level of achievement with a significant relationship (r = 681 and 0).
7- In light of the relationship, modern models are more preferred than the traditional group of methods in terms of increasing the level of academic achievement.
8- In light of the interpreted variance ratio indicator, modern models are considered to be more preferred than the traditional methods by about 46%, and 16% to the traditional methods.
The researcher concluded with some conclusions, including there is confusion in the application of the requirements of some methods, especially modern models. As for the recommendations, they include reformulating the Arabic language curriculum to suit the application of the requirements of modern models.
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