Massurrealism in the Work of the Artist Serwan Baran
The surrealist movement in plastic art has a prominent presence in the activities of most artists and in various parts of the world, and it had a distinct presence in the formation movement in Iraqi Kurdistan. Many Kurdish artists presented their products and plastic works in order to supply the plastic movement with the works they present that feed into the path of the surrealist movement that they are able to During it, they present their concerns and the concerns of their people, because they feel that it is closer to achieving this with the capabilities it carries to absorb the unconscious and the dream that express the outside of the human psyche, and since the name Massurealism means the large number of artists who practiced surrealism in their works and presented it as a product. Four seasons, The first of them included the research problem that emerged through the study, which is that the presence of plastic artists in Iraqi Kurdistan who practice producing their works under these specifications is great, and their artistic productions had a distinguished and effective presence that approached the global being without moving away from the local, they merged between Their reality is among the features of global surrealism, as the creative artworks have gained a place in terms of conveying an event, event, or idea related to the artist's life himself or representing public scenes that may reflect issues related to the societal system. Therefore, the research problem is concentrated in the following questions:1-Did the Massuriyalist technique constitute a new movement among contemporary Kurdish artists?2- Has the artist Serwan Baran been able to communicate his ideas and global, Iraqi and Kurdish issues through his artistic works?After conducting the analysis of the sample forms, the researcher came to the results of the analysis proven in the fourth chapter, and the most important of them were:1- The artist employed the simple local material, which is the materials used in daily life and led to the production of environmental artworks that were able to change some of the surrounding environmental reality.2- The use of computer technologies and programs for pictures with addressing the direction of blocks in the introduction to the structural formation and presenting them as Masurian works.3-Using the technique of collage and photography and pasting newspaper and magazine advertisements into a work of art.4- The artist, Sirwan Baran, expressed the environmental, social and political issues through his artistic works.
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