Terrorism and its geopolitical exclusion in the Syrian Arab Republic

(A study in geopolitics)

  • Lect. Aqeel Hasan Yasir Alnajam Faculty of Medicine -Kufa University - Iraq
Keywords: Terrorism, Geopolitics, Syria Geography, Regional Balances, International Scales


The elimination of the phenomenon of terrorism in its various forms, forms and methods is primarily linked to the underlying causes and motives behind it, as well as to identify the most important and prominent effects of the phenomenon of terrorism. The research reviewed terrorism and its geopolitical exclusion in the Syrian Arab Republic and the political and security implications of that phenomenon, and how it directly affects international peace and security.

The geopolitical characteristics of the Middle East have made him a major international competition between many major powers, led by the United States of America and Russia, which has made them enter into a fierce competition around the Middle East, as the Russian strategy is based on the fact that the Middle East is a space close to its southern borders and that any instability in it will negatively affect many of its republics, which may threaten its national security, in addition to the fact that this region is an important outlet for access to warm waters, as well as a market to promote weapons. to get financial returns that contribute to the recovery of its economy.

The U.S. strategy focuses on the need for a permanent presence in the Middle East through various methods, whether direct military presence or through building political and economic alliances with the countries of the region, in order to encircle Russia and prevent it from penetrating into what America considers its vital field, i.e. the United States of America has recently become a head of the new Russian return, which it considered to be a threat to its presence in the Middle East, especially in light of the strategic rapprochement between Russia and China, and thus the United States relied on the strategy of expanding competition and transferring it. To areas that are calculated on Russian influence, especially in Syria and Ukraine, with the aim of distracting Russia from problems and crises so as not to give it the opportunity to rearrange its internal and external papers and return as a strong and rival party that threatens its interests in the Middle East.


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How to Cite
Lect. Aqeel Hasan Yasir Alnajam. (2020). Terrorism and its geopolitical exclusion in the Syrian Arab Republic: (A study in geopolitics). Journal of Arts, Literature, Humanities and Social Sciences, (59), 101-117. https://doi.org/10.33193/JALHSS.59.2020.277