Summary of Rhetoric for Al-Amadi

(Al-Muwazanah Book as a model)

  • Assist. Lect. Milad Khalaf Muaidi University Fundamentals of Religion College - Iraq
Keywords: Summary of Rhetoric, Al-Amadi, Al-Muwazanah Book


The most prominent results of this research and concluded the speech on the sources of the research and its review, and one of the reasons for choosing this title was because of the value and influence of the budget book on the critical, literary and rhetorical efforts that were mentioned in it. In addition to that, the book is concerned with studying two poets from one tribe, one of them is an influential person and the other is printed. The scholars were admired, and the researcher in this research specialized in examples of rhetorical efforts that were mentioned in this book, including a wonderful statement and a wonderful addition to the appropriate applied models that were recorded in this research.


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How to Cite
Assist. Lect. Milad Khalaf Muaidi. (2020). Summary of Rhetoric for Al-Amadi: (Al-Muwazanah Book as a model). Journal of Arts, Literature, Humanities and Social Sciences, (59), 35-43.